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Worshipping Cory before the New Year

Worshipping Cory before the New Year was a must! I know many Hunters kind of like were left wanting more, after a shy second scene with this handsome man. The good news is that it seems that will it be plenty of opportunities to explore him. He showed up at the BCH arena not knowing what was in store for him, which I find very interesting, and honestly, there is so much hotness in him that I didn’t know where to start, the only thing I knew was that I needed to be Worshipping Cory before the New Year to include many requests from his fans! At BeefCakeHunter Land, the Beefcakes evolve into the zone different from one to another, and by now many would agree with me that sometimes it may take a little longer with some Beefcakes like Cory. But I promise you guys that there is a lot to enjoy in this video, and what is not in it, I will keep trying in the future, no pressure right? lol Anyways, having Cory naked on the bed was the perfect feast to say goodbye to 2021. Cory’s beautiful smile was plenty throughout the encounter, you can’t miss his facial reactions when I was sucking his toes, and when I kissed his hard biceps! Ummm like I say Hunters, a perfect End of the Year feast! At some point been on the bed wasn’t enough and I have him stand up, where I made him cum with, and he rewarded me with a warm load… I hope you guys enjoy this Worshipping Cory before the New Year video! And I also I would like to express my most sincere thanks for been with me in this journey called BeefCakeHunter, without you guys there would not be BCH, Thank you and Happy New Year 2022!!


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