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Your Cock Is Better Than Your Team – Maxim Bikhov & Milo Hudson

Ever make a bet you were happy to lose? Maxim and Milo are at the house, hanging on the couch, watching soccer on the television. It is getting intense, both in the game and in the room, and it seems like something big is on the line. We find out what that is after Maxim’s team wins, and he yells at Milo to suck his dick. Milo knows that he should not make a bet that he cannot win, but in this case, it was a win-win situation that he couldn’t pass up. Maxim lays back and lets Milo pulls his shorts down, exposing his beautiful boner. Milo is quick to start to pay his debt as he takes the thick head in his mouth. Maxim pushes Milo’s head down to get his entire cock wet, with Milo taking all that his mouth can, but soon, Maxim is ready to see what would have happened if his team would have lost. He lifts Milo’s head for a kiss while reaching down for his buddy’s cock. Maxim slips his hand into Milo’s shorts, pulls out his dick, and begins to slowly stroke it. He then works on Milo’s big cock, licking and sucking it all over, before he slips his bottom’s shorts off to collects fully on their bet. Milo is more than ready and sits down on Maxim’s swollen dick. Maxim loves feeling his fuck boys’ ass on his cock and fucks him all over the couch, ending up in missionary position, where Milo strokes out a load, with Maxim following right after, shooting all over Milo’s tummy.


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