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Yury Santana & Jadyko – Competing For a Vacancy

That the job market is increasingly demanding is already public knowledge. But Yury and Jadyko had no idea how much would be demanded of them that afternoon, when they were called to the last stage of a selection process. Everything was normal at the beginning: the person responsible for the process welcomes them and congratulates them for reaching the last stage, where they would have to fill out a questionnaire with more… personal questions, let’s say. The interviewer gives instructions to the candidates and leaves the room, leaving the boys more comfortable answering the questionnaire. Jadyko immediately finds the first question strange: a question about whether the candidates have a profile on a dating app. Yury, on the other hand, was already logged into a dating app, where he met his competitor. That’s when he asks Jadyko if he really is everything described in his bio. Jadyko is no fool, and is ready to unlock his private photos – as long as Yury does the same. Things starts to heat up when Jadyko sees Yury’s nudes, who is walking around carrying a LARGE caliber gun. Wasting no time, Yury puts Jadyko to a BJ test, taking advantage of the fact that the interviewer has left. The two pervs rush into the mess, being carried away by the adrenaline of the situation, and quickly take off their clothes. Jadyko sucks Yury willingly, swallowing every inch of that thick dick, until his mouth hurts from so much effort to suck that cock. They both know that they don’t have much time until the interviewer returns, so they hurry up for some barebacking session. Yury climbs on top of his little whore, who stands on doggy style and pounds his smooth ass out. The hot guy starts to wreck Jadyko’s ass, moaning with lust, feeling that ass squeezing his dick, while Jadyko struggles to withstand that log tearing his ass apart. The naughty guys fuck in various positions, letting their lust guide the moment and even forgetting what they were there for. When Yury ends up cumming in Jadyko’s mouth, they are surprised by the interviewer, who had been watching that scene for a while. But there’s no problem at all: the interviewer announces that they both got the job, but as long as he can join the mess too. The boys learn, that day, what is necessary to be a good professional: willingness to GIVE, to give a lot of themselves in whatever they do; knowing how to SIT and listen; and, above all things, SWALLOW A LOT, a lot of things in silence.
