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Zodiac: Aries – Ryan Bones & Ace Quinn

“As an Aries we tend to be on the impulsive side, we take the lead and look for a partner who will let us try new things.” Ryan Bones explains the natures of Aries men, that they’re dominating and love to take a man from behind. As an Aries knows, though, talk is cheap. Ryan puts the action behind his words by letting sexy blonde Ace Quinn worship his cock with a long and intimate blowjob before instructing him to bend over and show off his perfect ass and hungry hole. Ryan strokes and teases Ace’s bubble butt, stroking his cock as the muscular bottom presents himself. Ace strokes Ryan’s cock between his feet, giving the dark-haired top the exact sort of new experience that an Aries craves. After the extended teasing session, Ryan gives Ace the hardcore pounding he needs, spanking his ass and drilling him deep with his thick cock.


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