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Ethan Frosting Dane

We were all thrilled when we got to see Ethan rail a guy for the first time, and I know my first thought after seeing that epic bit of action was, “MORE!”. Ethan looks hot as heck plowing another stud, Ethan clearly had himself a blast while doing it, and Ethan would surely look hot and have a blast doing it again! Well, here’s Ethan doing it again! What’s more, Ethan’s in action with a stud CF fans love to watch get fucked perhaps more than any other – Dane. You just know Dane was as eager for Ethan’s cock as Ethan was for Dane’s hole right from the start here, as Dane’s dick is rockhard and pointing towards the sky while he sucks Ethan’s dick. We have two wildly horny guys here! Indeed, as much as Dane loved blowing Ethan, when it’s Ethan’s turn to wrap his lips around Dane’s cock and tease Dane’s balls, Ethan looks like a man on a mission! As hot as all the oral action is, it’s the fucking that’s the main event – Ethan rails Dane relentlessly, fucking him so good Dane fires off a huge load as a result. All the fucking works up an even bigger load from Ethan, though – one that blasts out so hard and so far it caught Dane entirely by surprise!


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