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Liam Enjoys Ethan After Hours

It’d seem the instant Liam laid eyes on Ethan he wanted a piece of him. That much is apparent at the beginning of this incredible episode, as Liam has a sly smirk on his face, can’t keep his hands off Ethan, and even admitted he’d been wanting a go at him. It’s made beyond obvious when we finally unleash Liam upon Ethan – he’s practically tearing the clothes off Ethan and diving in for some of the most intense and passionate kissing our eyes have been treated to in no time! Ethan is more than ok with all of this, and more than happy to be the focus of Liam’s attention! When Liam wants to throw Ethan around a bit, Ethan eagerly lets himself get thrown around! Liam towering over Ethan makes for quite the contrast, and at times you wonder just how Ethan’s going to be able to handle Liam’s big dick. Don’t doubt Ethan’s ability to take everything Liam throws at him – and as hard and as deeply as he can get it!


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