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Outdoor Fucking Hookup – Ramon Cruz & James Jacobs

I finally had some free time to myself, so I took a walk in the woods to clear my head and get some alone time. I realized I hadn’t gotten off in a couple of days, and I really noticed it when I saw James from a distance. Immediately I thought to myself, “How hot would it be if we stripped naked and fucked right here in the woods?” Just then he started stroking his dick and looking at me, giving me a sign. I answered his call by pulling down my pants and showing my ass. James got closer to me, and I suggested that we go off to my favorite place in the woods to have some fun. When we got there, we played with our dicks a little, then James got on his knees and started sucking me off. Man it felt so good having my cock in his throat, but I wanted to taste him too, so we traded places and I went down on him. He was big, and his cock really stretched my mouth, but I enjoyed watching his face while I sucked his dick. He suggested fucking me from behind, which I was excited to hear. There was a tree nearby that I grabbed onto, while James slid his dick inside me. I winced a little as I was getting used to it, but once it was all the way in, it felt so good. He pounded me hard, and I loved every moment of it. His cock ramming into me hit all the right places, and I was ready to cum. I turned around and we both faced each other stroking our cocks, until we both came on each other. Feeling James’s warm load on me was just what I needed, and I felt more relaxed than ever.
