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Justin Case & Jayden Pierce

ayden’s friend wants to keep an eye on the Mechanic, per his friends request. So the best way he knows how is to strip to his underwear and snuggle with him. When the Mechanic wakes up and doesn’t recognize who is in his bed, he starts asking questions. But the blonde quickly persuades him into having some fun. He begins sucking the Mechanic’s dick, while the Mechanic plays with his ass. the Mechanic loves being more dominant with him, and he loves to please him. They switch and the Mechanic puts the blonde’s cock in his mouth, while still playing with his ass. Before long, the Mechanic has him on all fours and pounds him from behind. Jayden’s friend moans hard as he takes it deep. the Mechanic handles his ass with ease. Then he gets on his back and sees the blonde riding him. He stretches his hole with his large cock, and lets him drive as they both get close. As soon as Jayden’s friend hops off, they both bust a load on themselves and the bed.


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