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After Brunch Fuck – Johnny Hunter & Alexander Ray

After a nice brunch together, Johnny and Alexander continue hanging out, and both of them become very horny. They both realize that they can satisfy each other, and they act on it. Johnny caresses Alexander’s abs before putting his mouth on his dick. Alexander loves being sucked off by his friend, for it feels really good. Now with their clothes completely off, Alexander gives Johnny the same pleasure by sucking his cock. Johnny pets Alexander and guides him while he’s doing it, which turns Alexander on even more. Johnny begins playing with Alexander’s ass while Alexander is still bent over. That gets Alexander excited, and he wants Johnny to fuck him. Johnny gets behind him and slowly puts his cock in, then pounds him doggy style. Alexander’s mouth is wide open as he grunts from getting fucked. Johnny loves how his hole feels. He turns Alexander on his back and goes in deeper, giving him all of his cock. That gets Alexander to shoot a load on himself, and causes Johnny to shoot his load too.


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