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Sean Duran & Blake

Sexy Sean Duran has returned to the studio to make some money to help recover the costs of the purchase of his new motorcycle. Oh, and even though Sean has a boyfriend, he’s always down to get fucked by some straight cock! Sean takes great care of himself so he’s always looking hot! And, who can resist that big bubble butt of his? Meet Blake, he’s this week’s straight guy and he thinks he’s here to fuck a hot woman! But, Sean and Caruso have other plans. They want to see if they can convince this 6’2″, 213-pound hunk to go gay for pay! Blake is a pretty direct guy and he knows what he likes when it comes to sex. He tells Caruso that girls let him stick his 8.5″ cock in their asses all the time! Hopefully, he’ll be sticking that monster in Sean’s sexy ass! Caruso tells both guys to strip down and get hard. Sean and Blake don’t waste any time and start stroking their big beautiful dicks! Both guys are hard and throbbing in no time! Caruso steps out to check on the girl but when he returns, the news isn’t good… the girl that Sean and Blake were supposed to fuck won’t be showing up due to injuring herself. But, if both guys are willing to have sex with each other then Caruso can continue forward with the scene and he can also pay double the money. Blake tells Caruso that he’s actually thought about being with a guy before but he just hasn’t tried it out yet. And, that he’ll be willing to give it a try today!


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