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Accidental Gangbang: Fire Drilled

A photographer (Trent Marx) and six firefighters (Sean Duran, Jake Jackson, Tony Genius, Kyle Fletcher, Bruce Jones, Lucca Mazzi) are making a steamy calendar for charity. Each fearless firefighter thinks that he’s the hottest and will therefore have a shot at getting the most coveted spot on the calendar: the cover! But Trent has other things on his mind… Trent mischievously gets each firefighter alone and has a cheeky sexual encounter with him, acting as if he is considering that firefighter for the cover. Eager to please and get the coveted spot, plus feeling plenty chuffed because of the attention, each firefighter easily goes along with the spicy encounter. But eventually, the firefighters figure out Trent’s sneaky game and confront him while he’s in the middle of having a romp with the last firefighter. However, Trent insists that he didn’t lie – they will ALL be on the cover because it’s a group shot! Everyone is surprised and happy, which leads to all the firefighters eagerly gangbanging the naughty photographer to give him the best group shot possible.


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