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Harris Drenches Kellan

It’s been a good long while since we’ve seen Harris, but we recently got back in touch and managed to get him out here for some action! I’m happy to say Harris is as hot as ever, and still the sexy stud he was last time we were treated to the sight of him in action. Back at CF and ready to get it on, Harris teams up with Kellan here for an epic welcome-back session! With the way Kellan works over Harris’ cock with his mouth as the sex kicks off here, you’d have to think Harris was wishing he’d returned a lot sooner! Kellan masterfully sucks and swallows Harris’ uncut cock, and has Harris writhing and smiling the entire time. Playful, intimate, and intense, the action here makes it clear these two get along well, and were each insanely horny and eager to fuck. You’ll have to watch the action for the rest of the details, and you’ll definitely not want to miss the explosive ending – if the load that blasts out of Harris’ cock was any indication, his return was long overdue and more than satisfying for him!


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