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My Fucking Roommate – Enrique Mudu & Fernando Ragel

Enrique is fed up with Fernando, his latest roommate. The guy is a mess, doesn’t pay the bills and he’s one month behind in rent. Tired of his attitude, Enrique confronts Fernando and tries to kick him out. Fernando doesn’t have any place to go and is completely broke, so he begs him for an alternative. Horned up by the power he has over the scared twink, Enrique decides to give him a choice: he can stay if he is willing to have sex with him. Frightened and aroused, Fernando reaches out for Enrique’s gigantic cock and starts sucking it. Happy with his roommate’s attitude, Enrique gives Fernando a nice blowjob and rimjob, eating the Latino’s ass and dick like candy. Enrique then proceeds to drill Fernando’s cum hole. Fernando ends up showered with both Enrique’s and his cum, sealing a naughty new deal between the roommates.


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