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Alex Gonz & Vic Gioz – Cock-Sharing Roommates

Monaco sees Alex and his friend Vic working out in the courtyard. The two sexy men are roommates and immediately ignite the cameraman’s fantasies. Monaco takes Alex aside to ask if he’d be willing to make some extra money by participating in his new YouTube channel; on it, he has hot guys reviewing products in their underwear. When Alex agrees, Monaco suggests that it’d be good if he had a co-host. Alex tells Monaco that Vic would be happy to participate, so the three men go inside to discuss business. Monaco hands the guys a box with a sex toy and starts asking them about their experience in the area. The conversation starts rolling and the boys get all horned up while fantasizing about their big break as Youtubers. Suddenly, Monaco poses the question: have the roommates ever shared more than one apartment? The guys smirk innocently at each other while the camera continues to roll…


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