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Alam Herrera & Alex Gonz – Dickpocketing

The subway can be a tricky place for naive young studs like Alex. The poor guy was on his way to buy a present for his girlfriend when he realized he didn’t have his wallet on him. A handsome stranger named Alam approached him to see what happened and immediately realized that Alex’s wallet was probably taken by one of the many pickpocketers on the train. Noticing Alex’s sad expression, Alam decides to offer him a couple of bucks so he can get his girlfriend something nice. Yet Alam wouldn’t give him money out of the kindness of his heart. He quickly spotted that Alex was completely ripped underneath his clothes, so he invited him on a second ride on the subway–a much hotter one. If Alex wants to properly thank him for the money, he’ll have to use his sweet mouth and hole to show Alam his gratitude.
