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Subway Secrets – Alam Herrera & Vic Gioz

Alam is waiting for a friend outside of the subway station when a guy with a camera approaches him. The stranger is walking around the city, learning about Mexico’s wildest cruising traditions. He heard about guys getting wild on subways so he took his chance and asked Alam about it. Alam has also heard rumors but he hasn’t done anything. The stranger invites him to try his cruising luck but Alam isn’t really sure and he already has plans. Everything changes when the stranger offers him some cash to seduce another man on the train. Alam instantly cancels his plans and wanders into the wagons to see if he can find a hot guy. Luck is on his side as he bumps into Vic, a handsome stud who wouldn’t mind earning some cash for sucking Alam’s dick. A taste of his new friend’s meat isn’t enough so Vic ends up getting stuffed in the train while the stranger with the camera gets a good shot of this passionate encounter.
