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Braxton Cruz & Brogan – Executive Order Episode 1

At Menatplay, we expect top executives to display power and authority while having suited sex. However, in our second co-production with Raging Stallion, “Executive Order,” we flip the ‘natural’ order by showing suited studs submitted and humbled by blue-collar stallions. In Episode 1 of Executive Order, hothead executive Braxton Cruz gets into a heated argument with muscular pool boy Brogan and gets pushed into his swimming pool. Braxton is oddly turned on by the incident and the pool boy’s raw power. He makes out with Brogan before bringing him inside to service the stud’s thick bubble butt with his tongue and big dick. With Braxton’s tie wrapped around his neck, Brogan returns the favor by flip-fucking Braxton until he’s cumming all over the businessman’s balls, and Braxton is unloading all over himself.
