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Czech Hunter 781

I was giving apartments tours all day and couldn’t wait for the last client. I knew it was going to be a single man. He had a sexy voice over the phone, so I had high hopes. The dude was a bit shy but liked the flat a lot. What he definitely didn’t like were the extra fees he was supposed to pay. It was a lot of money he couldn’t afford. Luckily, I was more than happy to help him. When he undressed, I knew I hit the jackpot. It took only a few seconds before the guy got a massive boner. He was so adorably confused about it. Then this supposedly inexperienced cutie gave me an amazing blowjob. I chocked him on my cock, and he loved it, I think. After I properly fucked his throat, we moved to the ass. I lubed that lovely hole up with some cash and he happily endured my horny dick.
