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Czech Hunter 782

I was feeling a bit lazy so I just went around the block to check if I could find any cuties. The weather sucked big time, so I was hoping to meet someone fast. I was lucky to bump into this dude. He was on the way to his friend. I pretended to be lost and the guy was nice enough to help me. It cost me 2 000 Crowns, but I got his attention. He was greedy, no doubt about that. The poor man needed to pee, so we had a great excuse to go inside of my apartment. Things got quite easy there. My new friend had a very nice physique, ripped body and massive dong. He looked amazing and was almost eager to show off. Sucking my cock was a bit too much for him at first but money changed his mind quickly. This slut wanted cash hard and was ready to earn it in any way possible. And there were plenty of ways…
