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After Getting Caught Playing With His Hole, Caden Dior Showers Cisco Silva With Cum

August’s All-Stars video was an amazing preview of what Caden can do with his ripped body and delicious cock, and we had to shoot more videos with him. Plus, Cisco was the perfect twink for Caden, so we paired them up once more for a raunchy return. The guys are chilling in the kitchen when Cisco notices that Caden actually stinks. Sent to take a shower, Caden washes his body and gets a sudden urge to play with himself a little bit. After a while, Cisco goes to check on Caden and finds him doing some pretty filthy stuff with his ass in the shower. Taking it as an invitation, Cisco approaches Caden’s hole and eats it passionately, making the hunk squeal in delight. Of course, Cisco doesn’t rim for free. In exchange for his naughty services, he wants Caden to pound his butt once more. The bathroom gets steamier as the two handsome men engage in a glorious fuck sesh. Yet, right before wrapping up, Caden has one more treat for his twink buddy: a creamy load served straight in his mouth!
