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Aidan & Legrand Wolf – The Grooming

Aidan needed help. Being smaller than most, he grew up the runt of the litter, the one the other kids liked to bully, walking in the shadows of giants. He could barely hold his head high enough to even see who it was that was coming for him. A victim of a hard and unforgiving life. But it’s not that he wasn’t special. He had smooth skin and beautiful, puppy dog eyes with full, pouty lips. When he stood still, he almost had the appearance of a doll. And just like a doll, he was easy to pick up, manipulate, and do with as you pleased. All his life, he’d sought out others to protect him and shield him from harm, left to find bigger, stronger, powerful men who could look out for him. Of course, nothing ever came for free. Or easy. While I felt for the boy and wanted to see him safe, I also saw a great opportunity for the both of us. He needed something from me, and I could certainly find a purpose for him. Taking him in, I immediately explained to him the offer that was on the table. He’d never need to worry about safety or protection or the humiliation of being bullied. He would, however, need to show loyalty and subservience to the men who cared for him. This idea wasn’t altogether foreign to him, having often exchanged the performance of chores and services for those who stood up for him. Still, I wanted him to understand the gravity of the exchange. He would need to give up all power and control. He’d be owned, opened, and fucked… but it would be done by men who saw him as a valuable prize to cherish and hold, not to be thrown aside. I could see him trembling, unsure if it was what he wanted, but his lips parted as his breathing deepended and his eyes widened at the idea of being possessed. It was certainly unorthodox, but he found comfort in being owned.


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