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Alan Vers & Tian Tao

Tian was excited to invite us over to watch him and his new raw boy toy, Alan, fuck for the first time in a year. Alan had just arrived in town, and his first priority was to get his mouth on Tian’s meat. He couldn’t even answer when Tian asked if he liked it because his mouth was busy being filled by Tian’s big dick. But Tian knew Alan wasn’t there only to suck his cock. His hungry hole needed some love and attention. A service Tian was happy to provide. After eating Tian’s ass, it was time to give Alan what he needed most. Moans of pleasure escaped past Alan’s lips as he felt the full girth and length of Tian once again. These hunks fucked all over the bed until Tian’s cum was spilled on Alan’s hole, with Alan’s load not far behind.


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