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Always Own Me – Jack Dyer & Joey Wagner

Gruff and scruffy, Jack Dyer is the ultimate Daddy, and Joey Wagner has him. Hungry for anything the shaved bald Jack has to offer, Joey drops to his knees to service the older man’s pierced cock. The corrupted “boy” gives up his ass for Jack to eat, and Daddy Jack takes full ownership of Joey’s hole. The dirty talk gets loud and nasty as Jack throws everything he’s got into spit-lubing and tongue-fucking the sub bottom. And once he’s ready, Jack leans back and Joey prepares to ride. He straddles Jack and impales himself on the pierced, thick tool and fucks himself raw. Jack, a demanding Daddy with a commanding presence and a low, almost gravely voice that will have you wet and throbbing, eventually takes back the reins. Jack flips Joey onto his belly, mounts him, and throws his entire weight onto him. Jack barebacks the whore, taking ownership until he fucks the cum out of him then blasts inside, breeding Joey.


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