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Amone Bane & Baby Bear – Code Rainbow

The elections are right around the corner and BabyBear has been working non-stop for months. His stress levels are through the roof and he just cannot focus on the job anymore. He can’t take off or even leave his office for a while to relax as every second counts in this crucial moment. Amone, his hot and young new intern, tries to calm BabyBear down with candy and by talking things out, but the stressed man needs something much more sophisticated to get back on track. Lucky for him, there’s a special protocol for these kinds of situations: Code Rainbow! This operation involves Amone’s full cooperation and his utter submission to BabyBear’s demands. Amone’s ass is literally on the line as he has to obey BabyBear’s kinky orders without any hesitation and be subject to his boss’ darkest desires to ensure his mind is clear to do his job right.
