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Amone Bane

We find Amone Bane relaxing in his jeans on the bed. This freckle-faced, endearing young man is a dancer – a pole dancer to be specific! He loves it, and we’re glad he’s so comfortable with, and proud of, his chosen profession. Amone gives a candid interview before stepping off the bed and stripping away his jeans to reveal his enormous 10-inch dick, which is impressive even fully-soft. He sits back down on the bed, adds some lube, and in no time he’s hard as a rock and stroking away. Amone varies his technique, milking his cock towards the camera before spinning around to showcase his ass. He rubs and plays with his hole before leaning his head down on the bed so he can milk his dick and finger his hole simultaneously. Amone spins around onto his knees facing the camera, adds a bit more lube, and works himself up to climax. He fires off a load all over the bedspread in front of him before tasting a sample as he giggles at the camera. Stay tuned for more from Amone!


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