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An Executive Bargain – Bastian Karim & Justin Jett

Bastian Karim plays a young businessman in training and Justin Jett is the target. But in fact, this is Bastian’s cover. He is a secret agent for the intelligence service who has been tasked with extracting a folder with highly confidential information from Mr. Jett. In the world of espionage, everything goes and Bastian’s clandestine operation comes at a “cost”. In order to draw Justin in, Bastian had him review a business plan, help set up investor meetings, and even sex. Today, Justin is expecting and receives “payment” for his help. But while the mischievous young stud appears to enjoy every moment of the suited sex play session, he has managed to infiltrate Mr. Jetts’s home under an alias and taken the folder he has been tasked with retrieving. Before leaving, Mr. Jett thanks the young stud who responds, “Oh, I got more than I needed”.
