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Andy & Mason’s Morning Fuck

When we’re being treated to the sight of Andy in action, it’s usually with him bottoming. That big dick of his bouncing around while he gets fucked is a constant reminder we need to see him top on occasion too, though. Seeing Andy put that cock and his top skills to work are precisely what we’re treated to here, and it’s Mason who gets to be on the receiving end! The driving force behind Andy’s top skills is just how horny he is, and how much he loves sex. He knows what’s hot, knows what feels good, and knows what looks good. He also feeds off his partner’s energy, and I think Andy just knew Mason wouldn’t just love his dick, but would love getting worked over good and hard. That’s evident early in the action here, as Andy doesn’t just let Mason suck his cock – Andy starts facefucking Mason rough, and totally working over his mouth and throat. Mason’s reaction to that was to just give in, submit, and let Andy take charge! Indeed, the rest of his episode is packed full of Mason completely at Andy’s mercy, submitting to him, and letting Andy totally own his hole!


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