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Andy Stivens & Justin Host

Note: New updates from Bringmeaboy.com now available under the new name DaddyOnTwink

Andy Stivens took a moment to enjoy some hot content he had saved to his phone. As he sat on the couch playing with himself, he failed to notice the extra set of eyes watching him from the door. His stepson, Justin Host, had long hoped for a day like this, and he couldn’t resist. But when he got caught by Andy, he knew he was either in deep trouble or the fun was just the beginning. Andy gave him no choice as he forced his boy’s head towards his crotch. Justin knew what to do with it from there as he grabbed and sucked on the big piece of meat between his stepdad’s legs. But Andy wasn’t all about self-pleasure and gave Justin’s dick some love before focusing that attention on his hole, licking it before filling it up with cock until both of them shot their loads.


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