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Andy Takes On Mason

Both Andy and Mason are new to CF, but they’re each so eager and horny we couldn’t help but pair them up with one another first chance we got! The result? Some intense, deep dicking, some hungry deep throating, some eager ass eating, Mason’s big balls slapping against Andy’s hot butt, and Andy eagerly lapping up Mason’s load! Andy in particular is a fun one to watch throughout the action here! His hand gripping the sheets, his thick cock flopping around, and that blissful look on his face all make me wonder whether anyone could ever enjoy getting railed more than him! Giving up his hole to another young college stud, Andy is in his element! Mason makes a great partner for an eager bottom like Andy. He’s packing a hot dick, he has stamina and energy, and he knows how to deliver a hot fuck. These two go well together!


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