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Austin – Chapter 2: The Fitting
October 7, 2019
25 min
Austin couldn’t wait to see Mr. Steele again. It was awkward being fitted and measured, but Mr. Steele made him feel comfortable and special. Especially after their last intimate appointment, Austin was eager to get the older man’s hands on his tiny body again.
As soon as he walked in, he saw Mr. Steele’s blue eyes light up and as a big grin came over his face. Austin could have sworn he saw the fabric over his crotch jump up as well. Mr. Steele helped him undress, readying him to try on his suit. He couldn’t resist himself by caressing his body and cock, even tousling his hair a bit. It felt so good! All Austin wanted was to be back in the older man’s embrace, and here he was again, standing naked in front of him.
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