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Austin – Chapter 3: Little Army Recruit

Austin takes a break from the strenuous drills of the tall army recruiter, finding some shade and quiet under a tarp cover. It’s hard for him to keep up with everyone else given his size. His light weight makes it easier to do pushups and pullups, but his short legs put him at a disadvantage in other areas. Just as he’s catching his breath, Mr. Adams comes over to him, seeing the boy all alone. The tall man can’t get enough of his little recruit, attracted to him not just for his size and fuckability, but also his attitude of perseverance and bravery. He knows these tests are hard on even the biggest guys, and Austin has shown he’s not one to give up! As he joins Austin, he can’t resist getting his hands on him. He feels his tight little body and remembers how perfectly it felt with his larger body wrapped around him. Austin, clearly overcome by the man’s authority, size, and good locks, immediately submits to him as Mr. Adams caresses his loins.


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