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Barron & Dane Spitroasting Noah

Ohhh you just know Noah’s in for it here! Getting tagteamed? By Barron and Dane? Not only is he going to get totally worked over every way possible, but he’s going to love every second of it! Noah was just born to be in this position – even his mouth and throat can take it as well as his ass can! Noah proves himself to be a champion deepthroater as Dane and Barron take turns fucking his face, and it was clear the top studs in this episode were just as blown away and impressed by that as we all are watching it! They start to realize they are going to be able to go as hard as they want, and Noah is going to happily and eagerly take everything they dish out. Noah spends almost the entirety of this super hot episode precisely where he wants to be – spitroasted between Dane and Barron as they each take turns fucking his ass and his mouth. Despite barely touching his own cock at all, Noah’s rockhard from start to finish – proof he just can’t get enough! His moans and groans would be further proof were they not muffled by the hard cock buried in his throat! Noah’s loving it all so much, in fact, he’s the first to cum! He’s not first by much, though, as his load is followed immediately by Barron’s, which is in turn followed immediately by Dane’s.


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