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BBC Beefcake Tito got serviced

BBC Beefcake Tito got serviced video satisfied my cravings for a delicious new BBC at BeefCakeHunter Land and I know is the same craving of many Hunters. Beefcake Tito is between jobs trying to succeed as an entrepreneur but in the meantime why not make a quick stop at BCH for some help, decision that took him about two weeks to make, but as you can see by my moaning, a decision that is really gratifying for me or any Hunter that love sexy black men with a beautiful cock…ummm. I know that at first before BBC Beefcake Tito got serviced, he was a bit serious, maybe he was a little nervous, but once the chat was over and I was on my knees touching his “package”, all that nervousness just disappeared, and what was under those undies was a perfect cock with a pearl shaped as a heart, I believe the first pearled dick at BCH! But there were more surprises in store for us, like that Tito was more focused on my servicing than the pussy porn playing, also the breve face fucking was a nice surprise, and what about his willingness to the rimming part, I know now that some “salad tossing” Hunters will be very happy lol, I even managed to get him calling me names, well, that part was a little more difficult but came out really good. Another thing that got me so excited was that he told me that he was packed with four days load in those balls, which at the end was the only surprise I did not like much since the cum-shot was not that big, of course I got a little greedy and I wanted to swallow some of it, but honestly wasn’t enough to share, so I let some drops out, maybe it was less than four days load , but still I love how he cum at the end, it was a hot sight to see. Anyways Beefcake Tito promised me that next time will be more cum in those pretty balls and that he maybe visits my back door, and I couldn’t be more excited about that! I hope you guys enjoy this BBC Beefcake Tito got serviced video. Happy Thanksgiving Hunters!!


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