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Black and bare – Ray Diesel & Cesar Paulino

Our Dominican greedy bottom Cesar Paulino is relaxing on his couch, while our American black daddy Ray Diesel joins him and asks if he wanna play with him instead of listening music with his headsets. Cesar doesn’t think twice to accept the invitation and put his face straight in front of Ray’s already rock hard shaft, licking and sucking him gently before kneeling down and deeply swallow every single inch of the black monster cock. Then our sweet bottom turns around doggy-style and leaves Ray to rim and prepare his asshole for the forthcoming bareback fuck. The American shows little if any mercy on the Latin’s fuck-hole, bundling him over the sofa and hammering him so hard that Cesar ends up with his ass destroyed, before shooting his jizz and then receiving the huge load of Ray as a well deserved reward!
