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Bobby Knight & August Alexander

11 long years ago, Bobby Knight went gay for pay right here at the studio! Since then, this hot stud added more ink to his body, shaved his head, and filled out a bit more! Bobby has aged well and he also continued evolving sexually! Bobby does pass up a hot guy and sometimes he revisits his scene to show off his work. This time, however, he saw a good friend that he used to go to school with and he couldn’t believe his eyes! So, he called up Caruso to see if he would shoot a scene with him and his long lost buddy. Big dick August is who Bobby is reffering to! Bobby and August used to go to school together so when Bobby saw August on BaitBuddies.com and then saw his giant cock, he just had to get a taste and feel for himself! August was suprised when he found out what happened but he was interested in Bobby as well. So, Caruso set everything up and had both guys join him at the studio. Watch as Bobby and August take their friendship to a whole new level!


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