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Special Treatment – August Alexander & Sebastian Bluu

August Alexander is home bound for a bit after having a procedure done to his shoulder. He has decent insurance unlike most and they have a home care nurse coming by to take care of him and change his bandage. Sebastian Bluu is the nurse who can not keep his eyes off his handsome patient and has gone home to rub one out after every visit. Well Sabastian is back again and this might be his last visit as August is looking very fit again. And August has a plan, when Sebastian is done with his dressing he rolls over and pushes the covers back to reveal his huge cock that is already very hard. Sebastian is not going to miss this last opportunity and reaches out to caress August’s throbbing cock with his warm and caring hands. His mouth immediately follows and August’s plan has worked. He has had his eye on the cute nurse that has been serving him as well and was not going to let him get away without tapping that tight ass. And slam into it is more of an apt description with how he takes that boy’s butt. Sebastian is in heaven taking cock from the man he has been jacking to all week. That fat cock stretching him out more than he has ever been and loving every second of it. Feeling that cum shooting over him and he may come back and nurse on August all on his own.


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