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Brody Fox, Christian Wilde, Heath Halo, Johnny Ford & Logan Aarons – The Dickliverance: Part 5 of The Adventure of Brody Fox

Last time we saw Brody Fox, he and fellow hitchhiker Logan Aarons were chained inside the backwoods cabin of Christian Wilde. We don’t know how many days Brody has spent inside this cabin, and at this point Brody doesn’t know either. He has learned to call Christian ‘master’ and Christian tells his slaves a story of his past, and how he came to realize that Bondage is the ‘equalizer’, something ancient and primal. Logan hasn’t lost the will to escape and when Christian leaves for work he frees himself and Brody from their chains. They run all day through the forest and hills with nothing to eat to only have jumped out of the frying pan, and into the fire. In their desperate attempt to escape, Brody and Logan stumble upon the hidden moonshine still owned by cousins Heath Halo and Johnny Ford. Heath and Johnny don’t take kindly to folks poking around their illegal still and are ready to make Brody and Logan pay for their transgressions. Heath yanks off Brody’s clothes while Logan is tied to a tree where he must watch his traveling companion get ass-fucked by Heath on the forest floor. Johnny can’t wait for his turn and begins tormenting and playing with Logan. Brody endures a brutal and humiliating ass-fucking while Logan is tormented with edging and clothespins over his entire torso. Both men end up on the ground getting ass-fucked, whipped with a belt and suck cock. If this brutal humiliation and fucking isn’t enough for poor Brody, wait for the end and you’ll see that Brody’s nightmare has only begun.
