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Caique Droomoon & Lohanzin – Calando a boca!

Caique Droomoon and Lohanzin, longtime friends, find themselves temporarily sharing a small apartment. At first, living together seemed like an opportunity to strengthen their friendship, but differences soon emerge: Caique, focused on studying for an important exam, needs absolute silence; while Lohanzin, an avid fan of series, insists on binge-watching her favorites with the volume turned up to full. After countless ignored requests for silence, Caique’s patience reaches its limit. Determined to resolve the impasse once and for all, he devises an unexpected and creative approach to silence Lohanzin. But instead of tension, the moment generates an unusual and “delicious” twist that challenges the limits of friendship, revealing that sometimes, the biggest differences can be resolved in unexpected ways. A story of friendship, conflict and… unique reconciliation.


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