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Caught Masturbating – Rick Fantana & Austin Young
March 14, 2021
19 min
Austin was so excited to hear his uncle Rick was coming to town. He always thought of him as his strong, sexy, younger uncle, especially when he was little. He’s grown a lot since then, but the image of him in Austin’s mind hasn’t changed.
As soon as the big guy came through the door, Austin couldn’t believe how handsome he was. He dropped his big duffle bag to lean down and give Austin a big hug. Even with a few extra years on him, he was still movie-star handsome with a great physique. Dressed in an oversized hoodie and some loose-fitting jeans, it was hard to see all the contours of his body, but Austin could feel the solid structure of the stud.
Austin could tell he’d just come from the gym, not wasting any time getting in a workout even in a new place. He had the masculine aroma of a well-earned sweat, coupled with his own powerful pheromones. Austin remembered it from when he was a boy, taking him back to those first feelings of desire.
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