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Company – Hart Caldwell, Jeremy Feist & Jackson Crine

Hart Caldwell and Jeremy Feist had been sexting for a little over a month, but neither of them was available at the same time. Until now. Except Jeremy’s boyfriend is in the flat next door, so they can’t go there. And Hart’s partner is working from their home so they couldn’t go there, either. Jeremy was going to spring for a hotel room when his neighbor, Jackson Crine, offered up his place for them to fuck. He had only one condition… Jackson wanted to watch. Only he did a bit more than that while Hart and Jeremy fucked on his couch. Jeremy ends up blowing a huge load all over his belly as Hart fingers his hole. Meanwhile, Jackson cleans up Hart, sucking Jeremy’s ass juices off Daddy’s cock. Hart comes all over Jeremy’s balls then makes room for Jackson, who shoots an impressive load.
