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Daddy’s Little Cum Slut – Liam & Noah

When standing next to one another, Liam towers over Noah. The physical contrast between these two is striking, given how buff and tall Liam is, and it’s all the more striking when you see Liam totally going to town on Noah and working him over hard and rough. Liam’s proven himself to be a complete natural when it comes to getting it on with his fellow CF studs – he’s so sexual, so confident in his sexuality, and so good at what he does in the bedroom it’s incredibly impressive; it took Liam no time at all to establish himself as among CF fans’ favorites. That’s all the more evident here with how he totally dominates and takes charge of Noah. Liam could tell just how submissive Noah is, could tell how much Noah loves to get fucked, and could tell he could use Noah as rough and as hard as he wanted and Noah would love every bit of it. Liam doesn’t need to be told these things – he figures it all out entirely on his own. If his partner wants intimacy and passion, he’ll know it. If his partner wants to be used and abused and get their hole mercilessly drilled, he’ll know it. Liam doesn’t hold back here, and it makes for a scorching hot episode! Your screen will be fogging up and speakers shaking with all of the loud, furious sex in this one!


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