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Damon’s First Time

Damon showed us he loves himself some intense and passionate sex in his debut Coed episode. Now, we get to see he likes it just as intense and passionate in action with another guy! Of course, when your first guy/guy session is with Elian, you’re essentially guaranteed to have an intense and passionate time already! While we were filming this one, I was expecting to see Damon blow his load at any second. He gets so completely in to the action and his facial expressions make it so clear he’s enjoying every bit of what’s going on that I honestly felt like he could have blown his load at any moment. Thankfully for all of us, and for Elian, Damon held out as long as he could! As much as I’m sure he wanted to cum, he also wanted to experience every incredible sensation Elian could offer. Having Elian’s tight hole wrapped around his dick as he pumped and thrust deep and hard surely felt great for Damon and he couldn’t get enough of that! For Elian’s part, he definitely looked happy he got to be the one to break Damon in! We know Elian fucks like a total stud, so he appreciates it more than anyone else when someone can put him on the receiving end of a long, hard, deep fuck like Damon does here. Indeed, while I was sure Damon was gonna blow his load first, it’s actually Elian that blasts out his load mere seconds before Damon does the same!


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