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Dane Dicks Dylan

Dane and Dylan have to be two of the most flat-out fun guys we’ve ever had around. We all know Dane is tons of fun – he’s the kind of guy that’d make any party that much more epic and enjoyable and have everyone around him smiling all night. Each moment we spend with Dylan, we find he’s that same kind of guy. He seemed kind of shy and reserved initially, but has continued to come out of his shell since first landing at CF and it’s clear he’s energetic, outgoing, and has an outstanding sense of humor. As much fun as it’d be to hang out with both of these studs, it’d get that much more incredible and amazing if things progressed to where they get in this episode – Dane burying his dick in Dylan’s hole and drilling him deep! What a treat it is to see these two fuck! Each one is handsome, sex, charismatic and charming, and each is insatiably horny and so in to the action with one another here the end result is a super hot session that ends in two massive loads!


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