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Dane Fucking Barron

As you could tell right away from the title, Barron’s here to get fucked! Indeed, we’d filmed this one not too long after their bi “Cuck and Fuck” episode, and had planned to call this one “Dane’s Revenge” as it involves Dane delivering the kind of deep drilling Barron had treated him to during that bi episode. It has been so long since we’ve seen Barron bottom, though, that we needed to make that apparent right away in the title. Mind you, it’s only been so long since we’ve seen Barron bottom because he’s such a stellar, big-dicked top. Barron’s up for any kind of action you can throw at him, and the way his dick is so hard and his moans so loud while Dane fucks him here make it obvious that includes bottoming! It has been so long since we’ve seen Barron bottom, and Dane’s so used to Barron being the top, that even Dane couldn’t help but take in the imagery as much as possible! With the mirror off to the side of the bed, we catch Dane looking in to it and smirking and smiling whenever he gets a glimpse of what’s happening. Need another sign Barron loved Dane’s dick in his hole? Check out the load Barron fires off while getting drilled – it is massive! The eagerness with which he spins around to eat up Dane’s load immediately after leaves no doubt Barron is a fan of Dane’s topping skills!


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