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Dane & Rocky Stud Fuck

When you get Dane and Rocky together, you better watch out. These two are a couple of troublemakers, and there’s no telling what they’ll get in to when teamed up. Mind you, they go way back! Dane first got treated to a deep and thorough pounding from Rocky over three years ago! When Rocky came back to CF just recently, Dane was thrilled one of his buddies had returned and they’ve been inseperable around here since. Speaking of inseparable, you’d need a crowbar to separate the two in this one! Rocky loves to get fucked, and knows Dane has himself one of those dicks that just does not quit. Once Dane’s dick is hard, it’s going to stay that way until it’s fucked its way to orgasm – and then probably continue to stay that way for another day or two. With Rocky knowing Dane’s always ready and eager to go, and Dane knowing Rocky’s insatiable and can take it all, these two go at it until Rocky ends the action thoroughly well-fucked and Dane ends the action coated in Rocky’s load and his own!


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