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Defeated – Adam Franco & Dani Robles

Colleagues Adam Franco and Dani Robles work for a top furniture design company that styles offices and luxury apartments. Today, an important delivery was to finally arrive after many delays and Dani goes to the warehouse to ensure that everything was received and in order. But when Dani cannot locate some of the boxes, he calls Adam for help. Adam was supposed to review the delivery slip and confirm the receipt of every item but he confesses to Dani that he did not. With deadlines past due, the client will not be pleased with them and Dani feels defeated. Nothing seems to be going right lately. Adam apologizes and offers to help think of a good excuse to give the client. Business has been challenging lately due to supply chain disruptions and Adam looks very stressed too. Traditionally, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. But in this case, the two office colleagues get to play at the office. The delivery is already fucked up – might as well take a few minutes to fuck each other. That’s one good way to overcome adversity!


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