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Derek Kage & Lane Colten – Boys Will Be Boys Episode 1

CockyBoys and RandyBlue come to Miami for the first time in BOYS WILL BE BOYS, a series in which an all-star cast enjoys the good life 24/7! Featuring CockyBoys Class of 2023 Exclusives Tristan Hunter, Daniel Evans, Lane Colten, Evan Knoxx, and Greyson Myles, fan favorites Trevor Brooks, Sean Xavier, and Derek Kage AND RandyBlue legends and gay porn superstars Andrew Stark and Diego Sans returning to the studio for the first time in years. In part one it’s morning in Miami where everyone is starting off the day in their own way—including Derek Kage and Lane Colten in a not-so secret rendezvous. While most of Andrew Stark’s house full of hot boys is having breakfast, Lane dines on Derek’s meaty sausage, and while he is unaware someone is watching. Derek IS aware though and gets off on it. Derek & Lane are playfully affectionate with each other, but soon get down to intense sex with Lane going back to sucking Derek —who in turn eats his ass. In short order Lane gets into riding Derek’s face, but he really wants his cock inside him. Just like that Lane happily rides him –that is until Derek’s passionate dom energy kicks in and he gets on top to drill Lane. Derek slows down so he can get a taste of Lane’s big, delicious dick, then fucks him on his back and soon Lane gives him what he wants by shooting his load for him. Naturally that pushes Derek over the edge and he cums over Lane’s cock. They linger, sweetly kissing and just don’t want to part—but they do , with one of the guys unaware that their furtive bliss has consequences later.


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