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Dripping – Dolf Dietrich & Dallas Steele

Fans of daddy-and-son scenes are going to be dripping at the sight of Dallas Steele and Dolf Dietrich, maybe almost as much as the two hunks were dripping while working together. It wasn’t just that they worked up a sweat while making out. It was the way they drooled and slobbered on fat cock as they took turns sucking each other. The tattooed hunks were a well-matched duo as they ate, face fucked and got their throats stuffed full of throbbing man meat. Bearded, tattooed Dolf is first to get his ass eaten and Dallas devours the delicate, pink morsel, leaving Dallas… well, dripping! Dallas goes to town eating the smooth, tender bud, before mounting Dolf and sliding that big raw cock inside to fuck him bareback. But Dolf isn’t the only one getting pounded. The two flip and Dallas ends up on all fours, lubed and prepped and ridden hard before getting fucked on his back. Dolf fucks the cum out of the hung silver daddy then pulls out and gives him a creamy facial that drips down his face as they kiss.


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