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Eli Seduces Calan

When you pair two guys as into one another as Calan and Eli are, the results are going to be nothing short of incredible. If you’ve seen our XXXmas Pandemoanium episode, you know there’s some real chemistry between these two; anyone that follows our social media and saw our New Years posts (about the guys and who they wanted to kiss at midnight on NYE!) knows these two are most definitely attracted to one another. If you weren’t already clued in to how much Eli and Calan dig one another, this episode here will make it blatantly obvious to anyone lucky enough to watch it! Throwing these two into an episode with one another is literally a case of simply flipping the cameras on, letting them have at it, and staying out of their way. These two are both hot, ripped, and a treat to watch. One thing they diverge on is build – Calan’s definitely has a taller and bigger physique, while Eli’s ripped, hot body is a bit smaller. That makes for some wonderfully hot visuals here, though, as the smaller Eli takes charge of the bigger Calan – throwing his legs up to drills his hole, bending him over to pump his ass, and do all that he wants to show off his top skills to Calan!
