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Evan Shows Off

Once you see all the ways in which Evan can flex and bend, your mind’s immediately going to start thinking about all the different positions you’d like to get him into in the bedroom! Evan’s got the brains and the (flexible) body! He’s a gymnast, avid reader, politics junkie, and a traveler. He’s interested in and curious about the world around him, and is always seeking out new adventures and things to keep his mind interested. It’s always a treat when we get freshmen like Evan here – those young college studs who are earning those letterman jackets and making the dean’s list, and showing off not just 6 or 7 inches but 4.0 grade point averages! After getting to see Evan in his introductory solo, those of us behind the cameras at CF have also had our minds wander to what positions we’ll be able to get him into, and what action we can look forward to seeing him in next. Let’s hope we get to find out as soon as possible!


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